Colonel Nagy presents the Certificate of Appreciation and MOAA Challenge Coin to Command Sergeant Major Belanger.
G. William Myers (Lt., CEC, USN Former)
The Catalina Mountain Satellite Chapter (CMSC) of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) held its March meeting on Saturday, March 20. The meeting began with a short business session presided over by Col. Bill Nagy, president, during which members were updated on the chapter’s current and future activities.
The membership honored the memory of senior member, Col. Charles (Chuck) J. Gutekunst, who recently passed away at age 102. Col. Chuck was a WWII 8th Air Force B-17 pilot and retired Air Force officer.
The day’s speaker was retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Paul Belanger. CSM Belanger had a diverse military career, including active duty as a U.S. Marine Corps officer from 1971 to 1975 and reserve service for another eight years. He initially served as a trained aviator and, following the end of the Vietnam War, as an infantry company commander.
Following a few years as a full-time civilian, in 1987, CSM Belanger enlisted in the Nevada National Guard as a helicopter crew chief and then enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve.
From November 2003 to April 2005, CSM Belanger was deployed to Iraq. Upon his return from Iraq, CSM Belanger remained on active duty as the brigade sergeant major, first with the 1st Brigade of the 91st Infantry Division and then the 5th Brigade of the 75th Infantry Division. In 2008, CSM Belanger became the division command sergeant major for the 75th Infantry Division, making several trips to Iraq and Afghanistan between 2008 and 2011.
Paul reviewed his military career, focusing on his time in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also presented statistics showing the importance of National Guard and Reserve Forces in today’s military composition and deployment.
All members and non-members interested in attending the next meeting need to contact Col. Kurt McMillan at [email protected] or 520-270-5856, or Col. Bill Nagy at [email protected] or 520-355-5064. Spouses are always welcome. Seating is limited to the first 40 members and guests who confirm their attendance.
The Catalina Mountains Satellite Chapter is part of Tucson Chapter of MOAA and encompasses northwest Tucson, including Catalina, Oracle, parts of Oro Valley and Marana, SaddleBrooke, SaddleBrooke Ranch, and Sun City. For additional MOAA information, contact Col. Bill Nagy at [email protected] or visit our website, www.tucsonmoaa.com. The Military Officers Association of America is a non-profit veteran’s association dedicated to maintaining a strong national defense and preserving the earned entitlements of members of the uniformed services and their families and survivors.