Nancy Borcalli and CJ Utecht
Nancy Borcalli
Please note that the SaddleBrooke Ranch Conservatives in Action (SBR CIA) (formerly SBR Women of Action) has day and time changes beginning in March.
Invitation from CJ Utecht, President, and Nancy Borcalli, VP
Starting in March 2024, SBR CIA will meet on the fourth Thursday of each month at 3:30 p.m. The meetings will be held at the SBR La Hacienda Clubhouse in the La Mesa/La Montana Rooms. Women and men are welcome to attend and join our club!
General Meeting, Thursday, March 28
The mission of SBR CIA is to educate and empower like-minded members to take action to further conservative and republican goals. In the upcoming months, we will invite speakers to share information to enhance our knowledge of issues leading up to the 2024 presidential election, and especially to address issues pertinent to elections in Pinal County and Pima County. We will plan and conduct fundraisers to support our candidates and offer tours and gatherings to involve our members in the various functions of government. We will encourage our members to provide suggestions on growing our club in an atmosphere of camaraderie, learning, and outreach to our community.
Guest Speaker
We are pleased to announce that retired Judge Andrew W. Gould will be our guest speaker in March. Judge Gould will give us valuable information on how to vote for judges in Arizona. After graduating from law school, Judge Gould joined the law firm Snell & Wilmer. After working for four years in private practice, Gould became a prosecutor in Yuma and Maricopa counties. In 2001, after being appointed by Governor Jane Dee Hull, Judge Gould spent a decade as a judge of the Yuma County Superior Court, before being appointed to the Arizona Court of Appeals in October 2011 by Governor Jan Brewer. As a former justice of the Arizona Supreme Court, Judge Gould assumed office in 2016 and began his second term on Jan. 4, 2021. In March 2021, Judge Gould announced his retirement from the court.
Following each meeting, everyone is invited to a non-hosted, get-acquainted lunch at the SBR Hacienda Bistro or a local restaurant, location to be announced at the meeting.
For meeting and event details, please contact us at [email protected].