Fueling the Future

Volunteers from the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke, left to right: Bre Zientarski, Dan Watson, Patsy Ticknor, Dan Green, Eric Zientarski, Jenny Green, Gordon Wainwright, and Liese Razzeto
Monic Oszust
For the last three years, the community has come together to support what we named Fueling the Future. We realized that although the Mountain Vista school in Oracle is open and having a wonderful school year, the same need for food for the students remains throughout the winter break. Most Mountain Vista students receive free or reduced breakfasts and lunches during the school year. However, there is no mail delivery either at school or by the buses during the winter break.
This year, in addition to Edie Crall and a host of volunteers in SaddleBrooke, the SaddleBrooke Rotary, which has its meetings once a week at the SaddleBrooke Ranch, have joined in this effort. The SaddleBrooke Rotary was very helpful last year with sorting, bagging, and distributing the collected food.
The outpouring of love for the students last year was amazing. We are asking again that you contribute what you can of the nonperishable items listed below. We will be collecting the contributions both at SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch. At SaddleBrooke Ranch the address is 60233 E. Ankole Dr., and goods can be put in the front foyer area. We will start collecting the day after Thanksgiving until Monday, Dec. 12. We will then be transporting the goods to the school for distribution prior to Dec. 15. The wonderful staff at Mountain Vista identifies those families in need, contacts them, and arranges for the distribution and pickup. They do an amazing job.
Although the school is prohibited from accepting cash checks or gift cards directly, checks can be made out to the Oracle Community Center. Your check can be then used as a donation for tax purposes. Checks will be cashed and used to shop for perishable items. Last year, we ordered perishables of milk, eggs, butter, potatoes, apples, and oranges from Costco. These items will be picked up by volunteers and distributed with nonperishables on Dec. 15. Your generosity enabled 55 families to have food for the winter break.
I thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity. ‘Tis the season for giving, and as has been said, this is America—none of our children should go hungry!
Nonperishable Contribution Options:
Boxes of cereal, peanut butter, stuffing mix, boxed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, canned fruit, canned tomatoes, canned tuna, dessert mix, jars of applesauce, cranberry sauce, canned beans, boxes of crackers, packages of rice, packages of oatmeal, packages of pasta, spaghetti sauce, chicken noodle soup, tomato soup, canned corn, canned mixed vegetables, canned carrots, canned green beans.
Fun Times Shared at the “I Don’t Want It” Sale

Roger and Marsha Lindeken

Mary Thompson and Dick Kroese
Frank Shipton
The SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club (SSR) members participated along with many other individuals and organizations in support of HOA TWO’s annual “I Don’t Want It” Sale. Held on Oct. 14, the rain-soaked event didn’t stop eager buyers from participating in a fun-filled day making purchases and supporting the SSR to raise, once again, funds used to support and benefit both neighborhood and area citizens.