Democratic Club Members Step up for Local School

Kim Schweitzer

An important component and a core belief of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Democratic Club is charity and concern for our local community. A member of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Democratic Club became aware of a need at our local school in Oracle, and an email went out to our members requesting donations of toiletries and children size undergarments and socks. Overnight, bags and boxes were donated by members.

In addition, another member became aware that many children needed toothbrushes, and the next day, he purchased enough brushes and toothpaste for two grades. The school nurse (and certainly the parents) were incredibly grateful to receive these items.

Not only do the recipients benefit from these altruistic acts—so do the donors.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” – Anne Frank

Meetings are held at La Hacienda Club on the third Monday of the month (unless there is a holiday) at 4:30 p.m. Join us for speakers, discussion, and camaraderie.

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The general purpose of the club shall be to promote the philosophy and policy of the Democratic Party and function as a political organization subject to the laws and rules of the state of Arizona for political organizations.