Did You Know? Medical Equipment Loans Available to All Residents

Linda Shannon-Hills, SBR Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Did you know residents of SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) have an inventory of SBR medical equipment to loan, maintained by SBR residents, and available to SBR neighbors while they recover from surgery, injury, or an accident? Residents keep their items at their homes but can be contacted directly to borrow items needed. The variety of items ranges from walkers, wheelchairs, canes, gel packs for icing, support boots, knee braces, crutches, ice machines, shower chairs, toilet seat rails and raised seats, a four-wheel scooter, a knee scooter, and much more.

Also, the Creative Giving of SaddleBrooke Ranch has made items helpful when recovering from surgeries or an illness. A list is also included on the website.

You can find this list (pdf) on the SBR HOA website at www.saddlebrookeranchhoa.org. Go to the SBR INFO tab, then scroll down to MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOANS. Also, there’s a link at the bottom of the weekly Ranch Reminder.

If you have equipment that you would like to add to the list, send an email to SBR resident Linda Shannon-Hills at [email protected] with the name of the equipment, size, owner name, address, email, and phone number.