Members of Gathering Hearts and the donations they received for the YOTO program.
Gathering Hearts, the new SBR outreach program, had its first meeting on 5/5/2016. It was a mini-breakfast at the Bistro for ladies wherein they all brought feminine hygiene products that were donated to the Tucson area program Youth On Their Own (YOTO). YOTO supports the high school graduation of homeless unaccompanied youth in the Tucson areas. Items such as feminine hygiene products, shampoo, razors, shaving cream, lotion, toothpaste, t-paper and deodorant are not attainable through the SNAP program, formerly called food stamps.
Gathering Hearts program’s goal is to help these youth by collecting these items via donation. Other events will be coming in the future. This is an ongoing collection, and items can be dropped off on a regular basis on the first and third Monday of each month at either Carol Smith’s home, 60539 E. Arroyo Vista Dr. or Bev Hanson’s home at 60028 E. Arroyo Vista Dr.
To find out more about YOTO please visit their website at yoto.org. Thank you to all who joined us and donated!