Photo by Linda Shannon-Hills
Linda Shannon-Hills and Dian Gowen, Creative Giving
The Creative Giving SaddleBrooke Ranch group is collecting donations of various hygiene items for local groups needing these items. We take the items to homeless shelters and to foster care groups who provide backpacks for when children first leave their homes without many items.
Everyone needs to feel clean and fresh, and these small items are so welcome.
Items needed: travel size shampoo and conditioner bottles, body and hand soap, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, hairbrushes, combs, nail clippers, shave cream, single blade razors, basic first aid packets, pocket tissues, moist towelettes, and more.
A basket is available inside the Needle Arts Sewing Room located in the Creative Arts & Technology Center. You can drop off items (please put them in a bag) every Thursday afternoon (1 to 3 p.m.) during the Stitch ‘n’ Chat sessions or when the room is open to other groups.
If you are unable to drop off at the room, contact Dian Gowen at [email protected] or Linda Shannon-Hills at [email protected] to pick up your items.
Thank you for your support!