Keeping physically fit and healthy is good for our longevity but expanding our mind to learn new skills as we age can lead to improved memory function and brain health. Joining SBR Technology Club is a great way to learn about technology, today’s and emerging, to share with those who have similar interests and to teach about your area of in-depth knowledge.
When the Creative Arts and Technology Center (CATC) opened in July, a core group of interested neighbors jumped on board to establish the new SBR Technology Club. The Technology Room has three Apple computers and three PC computers. An amazing group of technical members have worked hard to set up the computers to allow the club to offer workshops on a variety of topics.
To date, the club has had several Open Lab times for members and residents to come in to ask questions they may have about their computers or smart phones. The club has offered several workshops on iPhone Basics, NextDoor usage and Basics of Computer Networks and Routers and a six-week course on Photoshop Elements. This month, we will have an introduction to Microsoft Excel workshop for those who have never used the software. You will learn to make lists and sort them; the only mathematics involved will be counting and summing.
Three Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have formed and will start meeting monthly; Smart House SIG, DIY/Maker SIG and iPhone APPs SIG. More SIGs will begin to form as we look for others interested in the same technology.
Workshops in January will be an iPhone Basics 2; iPhone Photo; Mac Photo, more NextDoor and Microsoft Excel plus Microsoft PowerPoint and Word.
We always need instructors and mentors to help other neighbors with their questions and quest to learn more. Your knowledge is needed to help us to provide more workshops and mentoring sessions.
During the SBRTC General Meetings held quarterly, plans are to have speakers come to the Ranch to talk about current or future technology. The November general meeting hosted Andrea Bianco, Smart House Consultant. She brought in many different smart appliances and ideas to make our lives better.
To take classes, workshops or join SIGs, you must be a member of SBR Technology Club. Go to our website to sign up.
Procedure to become members:
1. Go to and click on “Member Signup”. Fill in the requested information. If you don’t have a computer, come to the room during Open Labs to use the room computers.
2. We accept a check or cash or credit cards.
3. You will be required to sign a waiver.
4. We also ask that you fill in the “Additional Member Data” under your profile on the website, to help us direct our workshops in the future.
Come join the fun.