Karen Brungardt
The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild once again held their Art and Wine Event, with 40 happy painters, in July 2021! A sack supper was provided to each person along with wine and/or water to start the evening.
All art supplies, sack supper, wine, and water were provided by our guild and Karen Brungardt was the instructor for the evening. There were a lot of guild volunteers on hand to help set up the room, answer questions, and give painting guidance, along with making sure our guests had fun. Every guest went home with a beautiful and creative sunset painting.
Huge thanks go to guild members P. J. Cathey, Char Mollineaux, Calvin Saulsbury, Sue Wilson, Debby Sullivan, Pam Smith, Marty Fisher, Renee Pearson, Sandy Gionatti, and Mary Bubla for volunteering for the evening and making it all so special for everyone.
The next event is Sept. 15, but this event is already full! All proceeds from this event will be donated to the SaddleBrooke Senior Village.
You can be on a waiting list for the September event or you can sign up for our November event, which will be a holiday-themed painting. The November date is pending at the time this article was written but will be in the second or third week of November.
Visit our website, www.saddlebrookefinearts.org, to check out our Art Guild Outreach page for information on the Art and Wine Event or for information on our next “I Can’t Draw a Stick Figure” class. Also check out our “Art Classes” tab for all upcoming classes, scheduled through December.