Lea Márquez Peterson
Earlier this year, I was honored to be appointed by Governor Doug Ducey to a seat on the Arizona Corporation Commission.
Our most visible role is that of regulating electric utilities throughout the state. What most citizens of this state don’t realize, is that our commission also oversees railroad crossings, pipeline safety, customer protection from securities fraud, and new business formation.
Prior to joining the commission, I led the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and helped more than 1,500 small business owners realize their dreams of owning successful businesses in Arizona. I now have the great privilege of making sure all business owners in this state can be successful by helping to ensure we make it easier to get a business off the ground and removing bureaucratic “red tape” to make sure that, as Governor Ducey says, “Arizona runs at the speed of business.”
As we focus on putting Arizona first, here are some questions we should consider.
How will we ensure that we are keeping prices low for customers?
What is the best way to make sure that all Arizonans continue to have access to safe and reliable electricity?
Can we protect customers from fraudulent actors and prevent confusion in a deregulated market?
How will we continue to power a thriving Arizona economy?
What can we do to embrace renewable resources and meet environmental goals while not sacrificing affordability and reliability?
All of these questions are important, and I am excited to hear from all stakeholders how we should proceed. The choices we make on these policy questions will impact everyone in Arizona, and we need to get it right. We do not want to see high prices like those in California or frequent outages like those experienced in Texas and the Northeastern U.S.
I encourage all residents to get involved and learn more about the Arizona Corporation Commission. Tell us about your experiences, what are your priorities, and how we can help you. Learn more at www.azcc.gov.
Lea Márquez Peterson, MBA is an Arizona Corporation Commissioner and can be reached at LMarquezPeterson@azcc.gov.