Watching the pro clinic at the Grand Stand tennis courts
Terry and Anita Zimmerman
The first all-member tennis clinic titled “Pro Analysis of Play Style” was held on May 10 at the Grand Stand tennis courts. Twenty-two members were in attendance. The clinic was led by pro tennis player Chris Madsen. While members played a doubles match, Chris analyzed and provided instruction to the players as the other participants watched and asked questions from the gallery. The women played the first half followed by a men’s doubles match. It was a great way to have fun while learning to improve tennis skills and provide more excitement in doubles match play. Thanks to the SBRTA Skills Development committee for coordinating this event. The committee includes Elmer Klavetter, Dean Alfrey, Susan Swanson, Ted Wierman and Catherine Wierman. Great job!
Weekly organized SBRTA play is scheduled for men, women and mixed doubles. For more information about joining SBRTA or instructions on how to sign up online for group play, go to saddlebrookeranch.org/tennis.
Let’s fill up those four courts! Yea!
Tennis for fun! Tennis for fitness! Tennis for friendship!