The Freethinkers enjoyed a barbecue and potluck dinner.
Fran Berman
It was standing room only at the May 1 Freethinkers barbecue and potluck dinner. Friendly conversations were about everything from summer plans to members’ favorite presentations from the 2015-2016 Freethinkers season. Our formal programs will resume in October. If you missed any or want a recap, you’ll find past programs at www.sbfreethinkers.wordpress.com.
We’re meeting informally all summer at “Thirdsty Thursdays” at the Roadrunner Grill from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. These are social gatherings on the third Thursday each month year-round. Conversations are informal and unstructured. You decide what you want to discuss. Do you have a schedule conflict? Arrive when you can, leave when you must.
Regular meetings of the SaddleBrooke Freethinkers are usually on the fourth Sunday morning each month, October through April. Attendance at the Sunday meetings (and all meetings) is free and open to all members and guests regardless of religious belief, political persuasion or gender preference. To defray costs a contribution of $2 per person is requested. We always welcome non-perishable food or cash donations for the Tri-County Community Food Bank.
Our organizational charter states we “believe in the responsible search for truth and meaning, and in the application of reason and science to the understanding of the universe and the solving of human problems. We believe that tolerance, compassion, equity and civility should characterize the interaction among peace-loving persons and organizations.” Information about SaddleBrooke Freethinkers, upcoming presentations and past programs is at www.sbfreethinkers.wordpress.com. To be added to the email list, please send your request and contact information to [email protected].