Examples of the fun, funky tapestry mosaic magnets students will create (photo from instructor, Gillian Allard)
Dale Farland
Have you wanted to experience the fun of learning how to make Tapestry Mosaic Magnets? Now is your chance! Whether you are a member of the SBR Art Club or not, you can take this class. This is a great opportunity to experience and enjoy one of the art classes that are offered through the SBR Art Club without being a member of the club. For only $5 more, you can take this class.
Just in time for the holidays, Gillian Allard is back by popular demand. She is returning to teach her Tapestry Mosaic Magnets class on Thursday, Dec. 7, from 10 a.m. to noon. Many SBR residents have taken Gillian’s other classes and are familiar with how she shapes and encourages creativity.
Each student will make three 1-inch personalized magnets. Make them for yourself or to give to family and friends. You can simply enjoy the opportunity to design mini works of art with beads, broken jewelry, and other baubles. Let your imagination soar! This is a wonderful art endeavor not requiring any experience.
Gillian Allard is an artist with the Southern Arizona Arts Guild (SAAG). If you shop at the SAAG store in La Encantada, you may have seen her artwork of tapestry mirrors and panels. She has been creating functional mosaics for more than 12 years and teaching for over eight years.
Class description: These fun, colorful, bejeweled magnets are created from beads, broken jewelry, and any other bits and baubles you would like to include. Because this is mosaic without grout, anything goes! Let your creativity run wild!
Students will make three 1-inch magnets using epoxy resin clay to secure the tesserae (beads, etc.) to the magnet. When completed, the final product is beautiful and strong. Imagine being able to display your creation as it serves a purpose as a magnet.
Date for the class: Thursday, Dec. 7
Payment deadline: Friday, Dec. 1
Time: 10 a.m. to noon
Class fee: $65 for SBR Art Club Members. $70 for nonmembers. Registration and payment are required for both Art Club members and non-Art Club members.
Class materials provided by instructor: All the materials will be provided including a selection of beads, the base magnet, and the epoxy clay with instruction.
Class size limit: Minimum: 5, Maximum: 12.
Registration: Contact Dale Farland at [email protected] to register. This one-time special event is open to all SBR residents; however, there is a price difference of only $5 extra if you are not a member of the SBR Art Club. You must deposit your check made out to SBR Art Club in the lockbox outside of the Art Room to confirm registration. Hurry, as this class will fill up fast!