This could be you…but you are watching as Jack Graef keeps his eyes on the pitch. Notice the pitching screen for added safety. Photo by Jim Smith
Jonathan Green
You played ball years ago, loved it but moved on for one of a bunch of good reasons. Or maybe you always wanted to play but thought you weren’t good enough.
You are in the right place…take the next step to first base.
SaddleBrooke Senior Softball Association (SSSA) is waiting to embrace you so that you can embrace that inner desire to play. Every Wednesday morning from 10-11 a.m. coaches teach a combined “rookie camp” for the new or just curious and “skills camp” for players trying to improve their game. It’s fun. It’s free. There is no obligation. You can borrow a glove and bat so just dress appropriately. You will only be asked to sign a liability waiver. You know: lawyer stuff.
Our leagues are arranged by skill level, so if you decide that you want to pursue this further know that we can fit you in. Many women play in SSSA’s leagues too, so don’t let a gender issue stop you.
Come on down and check out our great SaddleBrooke Softball Stadium any Wednesday morning. We’d love to have you. Questions? Call a coach: Bob Chiarello at 247-0891. He’s great with new people and will tell you everything you want to know about SSSA.
Can’t play but would like to be involved? We have some opportunities there, too: scorekeeper, scoreboard operator, field and building maintenance and others. For that you’d better call the current prez, Stu Kraft at 825-1466.
Not convinced yet? Then just come watch a game or two. There are MLB quality seats awaiting you. We play on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings and into early afternoons.
Somewhere inside of you You’ve Got Game! Find it with SaddleBrooke Softball. The website: www.saddlebrookesoftball.com.