James Green and Deb Wieczorek
Debora Witten
James Green and Deb Wieczorek, the dynamic duo behind the grocery delivery service “Home, James!” are on a mission to make life easier for their neighbors in SaddleBrooke Ranch.
Having moved to the community from Colorado Springs, Colo., in April 2022, they quickly fell in love with the beauty of the area, the friendly community, the amenities, and the competitive real estate prices. But after settling in, they noticed a gap in the market. While James continues to work a full-time job, Deb, who retired from United Parcel Service after 33 years of service, saw a unique opportunity to lend a helping hand to the community.
The concept behind “Home, James!” is simple yet ingenious: customers place their grocery orders via the Walmart online grocery app and schedule a pick-up time between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. No matter the pick-up time, all orders are safely stored in coolers and freezers, ensuring the groceries remain fresh all day. At 4:15 p.m., James picks up all the orders from the day and delivers them straight to the customers’ doors by 5:30 p.m.
The service has been a godsend, particularly for those who find it difficult to drive due to health concerns or recent surgeries, and for those who simply prefer the convenience of home delivery. For a flat fee of just $20 per order, residents of SaddleBrooke Ranch can enjoy the convenience of shopping from home and have their groceries brought right to their doorsteps.
“Home, James!” is more than just a business for James and Deb. It’s a way to contribute to the community they love, by addressing a need that was left unmet by major delivery services. As they provide a personalized, community-based service, they are not just delivering groceries but are also forging connections and building relationships with their neighbors.
James and Deb are excited about the journey they’ve embarked on with “Home, James!” They are proud of the solution they’ve provided and are looking forward to serving the community of SaddleBrooke Ranch for many years to come.
For more information or to schedule your first delivery, reach out to James at 719-492-3490 or Deb at 719-660-3304.