How does Your Garden Grow

Louise Grabell

I love gardening, but sometimes it’s so frustrating. I work very hard around the house (just ask my neighbors), and it seems I have to work even harder to get stuff done.

Many times, I have gotten myself settled up in my flower garden (I say “up” because my flower beds are raised so high that I need a stepping stone to get up into them), got my gardener’s bench, all my tools, sunscreen, hat, gloves, drink, and cell phone in case of emergency. I sit ready to dead-head, pull weeds, trim, and more, only to realize that I forgot the trash pail. Now I have to climb back out of the raised bed (not easy…I’m getting older) to retrieve this item so my work can begin.

Citrus have to be fertilized several times a year, and I require the largest bag of citrus fertilizer to accomplish this task. Schlepping that big bag around to the side of the house to start with the tangerine and tangelo trees, I realize that I forgot my gardening gloves (can’t mess up my nails), and the small cup I use to scoop and broadcast that the fertilizer is not in the bag. Well, why would it be since the old bag was discarded months ago, and the cup was left in the backyard. Okay. I need the exercise, so it’s off to the backyard to search for this handy accoutrement used for fertilizing. To protect me from me, I have a complete set of tools, gloves, hat, and garden bench in the garage so I don’t have to worry about forgetting something I need that is in the backyard.

Lest you think everything that frustrates me is a result of poor memory, there are other instances that I’d like to vent with you. In particular is when I need to reposition my gardener’s bench. I pack up all my tools, which fit into a worker’s pouch (you know, like what an electrician wears) that is attached to my bench. Standing up, I grab the trash bucket that I use with my left hand, and then attempt to pick up the bench with my right, and nothing budges. The bench is caught on something. You must understand that this happens when I am situated in a very tight corner with little space in which to maneuver. The bench won’t move because my big foot is stepping in the frame of the bench leg. Big deal, you say? LOL! You haven’t seen my feet! And then, there was the time I lost a pair of glasses. Here’s what’s hard to describe: I lost them somewhere around the irises that I was trimming, but I hadn’t moved from that spot. Where did my glasses fall? Found them a week later…in that spot. I also lost a weeding tool that way and still haven’t found it! Maybe I should quit!

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Remember, nothing brings more tranquility to the heart than a beautiful garden.