Join the Fun!

Left to right, back row: Kelly Hastings (instructor), AnnMarie, and Linda; front row: Diane and Joyce

Debbie McGrady

Check out what’s happening in Kelly Hastings’s classes: Participants are having fun and meeting new friends while improving their lives! Did you know that exercising can not only improve your overall health but can actually make you feel younger? How great does that sound?

Kelly’s classes have something for everyone. Whether you want to regain muscle, increase your stamina, or even challenge yourself, Kelly offers a class that will meet your needs! Her classes are for beginners to the experienced. You might be thinking about what class you should start with. Maybe you haven’t worked out in a while … or you feel intimidated. You might want to start with Kelly’s stretch class to get those muscles ready. Then check out another class and start building from there. You can find all the classes Kelly offers on the HOA website or a printout at the gym. Just remember why we all moved to SaddleBrooke Ranch! We wanted to stay active, make friends, and hopefully live the remaining days of our lives healthy and happy. So check out the resources you have right here! Join Kelly for one of her classes!