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Kay Lantow
On Saturday morning, April 29, seven residents of SaddleBrooke Ranch will generously open their gardens to their neighbors for three hours. This will be the third SBR Garden Tour.
SaddleBrooke Ranch residents will have the opportunity to view a wide variety of gardens and landscape designs. Some are relatively new, less than a year old. Others are well established, tested by time and weather. At least one garden and landscape was designed, implemented and is maintained by the homeowner. A few examples of what tourists will discover include: cacti, palette of edible plants, entertainment focused, outdoor kitchen and water features including a pool and fountains.
At each stop the homeowner gardeners and a garden tour committee member will be on site to answer questions. Tourists are welcome to visit all seven gardens or might choose to limit visits to those gardens most meaningful to their individual needs or interests.
During the coming weeks look for more details posted at the SBR Facebook page and on SBR NextDoor. This will include maps to each garden and more details about what the garden has to offer. Additionally, similar information will be included in the weekly Ranch Reminder.
If you decide to participate please remember to demonstrate all respect and courtesies to the homeowners’ properties. Please understand that only the gardens are open to tourists – not their homes.
On behalf of our generous homeowner gardeners and the SBR Garden Tour (informal) committee, we look forward to seeing our neighbors on Saturday, April 29, beginning at 9:00 a.m. until noon.