Teams from the Winter Bocce League—including Crazy Eights, Sons of Bocce, Rockin’ Rollers, and the Big LeBocce—huddle together for a picture at the appreciation event. (Photo by Sheila Davidson)
The first annual SBR Bocce Club (SBRBC) Members and Sponsors Appreciation Night was held on Wednesday, Jan. 18, in the Sol Ballroom. More than 100 members and sponsors enjoyed an evening of pizza and socializing while listening to the music of Corey Spector. Generous door prizes were provided by club sponsors and the SBRBC.
The SBRBC continues to grow, and now is the time to sign up for the year! Signup is easy on the club website and allows you to use the club bocce equipment, plus gives you additional access to court usage times, free league play, club events, and most of all, it’s a great way to meet new people. If interested, visit the website for additional information: sbrbc.clubexpress.com.