Constance Garrison
On April 2, the rainy weather prevented the Lady Niners Invitational golf game, but the Committee saved the fun! They did a great job! Everyone went to the Sol Ballroom for the luncheon event.
Upon check-in the golfers purchased raffle tickets for the charity baskets. The proceeds from the raffle will go to Family First (family diaper bank) “Helping Mothers, Youth, and Families.’’
Participants were then assigned to tables by the numbers that corresponded to their starting hole for the Shotgun. A lovely taco bar provided a delicious lunch for all, and a cash bar was available for further enjoyment.
The title of the Invitational was “The Lone Ranger and the Three Amigas.” Hence, several ladies wore their cowboy hats to support the theme. The 11 raffle baskets, which were created by several Lady Niners, were coordinated by Val Zupancic and Pam Engelhardt, and beautifully displayed on a long table in front of a clever Western backdrop.
The luncheon event proved to be a huge success! Everyone had a wonderful time! A big thank you (or Muchas Gracias) to the committee: Evie Falk, social chair; Ann Hulett, VP; Mags Johnson, tournament chair; Lani Warren, league day chair; and Edie Kellogg, past VP. Also, we extend our gratitude to Mike and Ken at the Pro Shop for their assistance!