New to SBR? Join Us for the Newcomers Welcome Webinar

Linda Shannon-Hills

Overwhelmed with moving to SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR)? New community, new state, new home … where do I find all the information to make settling into this new community easier?

Join the Newcomers Welcome Program for the next webinar on Dec. 10 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. via Zoom.

During our webinars we present information about the HOA Management Team, important documents and rules for the community, Ranch House Grill and Brewery, Bistro Veinte, and Ed’s Dogs. We also explain the Minimum Requirements Spending, and the optional Loyalty Reward Program. We direct you to volunteer opportunities, local restaurants, clubs and activities at the Ranch, and so much more. There is an overview of how to use the SBR HOA website and all the valuable information to make living at SaddleBrooke Ranch more enjoyable.

Send an email to Linda Shannon-Hills at for registration information.