Scott Thordarson and Don Sanders Emerge Victorious in 3rd Annual Member/Guest Invitational

Mick Borm When Mother Nature throws you a 50 mph curveball, who is better to send to the plate than Scott “Thor” Thordarson, the Norse hammer-wielding god associated with lightning, thunder, and storms? More on Thor later… Putting Contest The SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association (SBRMGA) Member/Guest Invitational (MGI) began on Oct. 16 with morning…

Ranchette Putters Travel to Quail Creek

Pat Albu On Oct. 30, 50 Ranchette Putters went by bus (a rather raucous group, I might say) down to Quail Creek community in Green Valley for a tournament with their Putters. It was a gorgeous day, and even though their putting green seemed to be slanted downward on all sides, we had a great…

Conservative/Republican Club News

Nancy Borcalli Please note! In November and December, the SBR Conservatives in Action Club does not hold General Meetings. In place of our regularly scheduled meetings, events are held for “Members Only.” In November, a potluck was held at the home of our president, CJ Utecht and her husband Wayne, to celebrate our first year…

Dance Your Way to a Better Life

Mary Klootwyk SaddleBrooke Squares held an introduction to square dancing last month that resulted in 10 people signing up for lessons. These enthusiastic dancers joined a group of experienced dancers, known in the square dance world as ‘angels,’ the following week to start learning the basic moves of square dancing. While the square dance steps…