Ending Hunger

Daniel Engeljohn Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church is designated as a Hunger Action Congregation in the Presbyterian Church (USA). We focus on what our small congregation of less than 100 active worshipers can do. To address immediate needs, we host numerous food donation drives specific to nonperishable items. We address longer-term, structural solutions through how we…

“Waiting for Christmas” Celebrates Heart of the Season

A Christmas musical presentation, “Waiting For Christmas,” is coming to the DesertView Performing Arts Center on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 9 a.m. Mrs. Ruth Rehm will be directing the Joyful Voices Choir of Community Church at SaddleBrooke. This Christmas presentation features a heartwarming story of a young girl who is writing to her “Nana.” She is expressing…

Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

Suzanne Marlatt Stewart The holiday season can bring mixed emotions for many. For some, it’s their favorite time of year. For others, it brings feelings of sadness and loss. Seeing old friends and family members may be exciting or may bring up memories of disappointments. Feeling depressed or anxious is not unusual during the holiday…