From The New Home Sales Team

  The SaddleBrooke Ranch sales team is excited to announce that there were 21 new residents added to the community in the month of February. New neighbors bring new opportunities for friendship, so don’t forget to welcome new neighbors as they come. We are excited to introduce new lots that recently were made available. In…

SBR Food Drive set for March 17

Nancy McCluskey-Moore The 2018 SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Food Drive will be held on March 17 between 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. Residents need to place their donations at the end of their driveway by 8:30 a.m. for collection, consolidation and transport to MountainView Clubhouse in SaddleBrooke. More than 60 resident volunteers are involved in the SBR…

Save the date 4th annual Free Garden Tour

Kay Lantow Welcome all neighbors of SaddleBrooke Ranch to the fourth annual SaddleBrooke Ranch Free Garden Tour. Based on many factors, this year’s tour date will be on Saturday, May 5 (also known as Cinco de Mayo) from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Over the past few years, a group of dedicated volunteers has assembled to…

Ranchette Putters Hold Annual Awards Luncheon

  Camille Esterman Against the panoramic backdrop of the Santa Catalina Mountains, the Ranchette Putters held their 2017 annual award luncheon at the Vistas (HOA 1). Outgoing president, Nancy Galant presided over the event, announced the winners and recognized the high standards that have been set for the upcoming year. The Roadrunner Award was presented…

A fun day puttering around

  Camille Esterman The putting greens at SaddleBrooke One appeared to be full of spring flowers as the Ranchette Putters were hosted by the Verde Sputters. Members of both clubs enjoyed a challenging 18-hole event, followed by a delicious lunch at the Vistas. The buffet even included the ability to make customized Arnold Palmers. The…