SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings

Join the Walkathon on October 28

Time to register for the Walkathon The 21st annual SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) Walkathon will be held on Saturday, October 28. Plan now to participate and enhance the lives of many children in nearby communities. The event raises funds for SBCO’s many programs including Kids’ Closet, Teen Closet, educational opportunities and food donations to the…

Fall Bible Study: Entrusted — A Study in 2 Timothy

Beth Moore

Terry Barringer The Women’s Ministry of the Community Church at SaddleBrooke invites you to join us for our fall Bible Study of 2 Timothy. This video presentation by popular Bible study teacher Beth Moore is an interactive personal study and group discussion program. The prominent theme of Entrusted is mentoring as revealed in Apostle Paul’s…

American Red Cross Blood Drive set for September 23

Linda Shannon-Hills SaddleBrooke Ranch will be hosting its second blood drive by the American Red Cross on Saturday, September 23, from 7:00 a.m. until noon at La Hacienda Clubhouse in La Mesa and Montana rooms. To make an appointment call 800-733-2767 or go online to We added more registration spots, so please sign up…

Ranchette Putters’ monthly awards winners

July winners: Char Eckmeyer, Jean Sticha, Janice Neal, Terry Pendy and Evie Thompson; photo by Deb Lawson

Linda Nicholson Saddlebrooke Ranch Ranchette Putters announces its monthly award winners for May, June and July. In May the dimpled orb was no match for these putters. Evie Thompson received lowest average with 36.3. Alyce Grover and Mary Schlachter tied for second lowest average at 37.0. Placing third, Debby Felzien brought in an average of…

From The New Home Sales Team

SaddleBrooke Ranch is getting ready to welcome 51 new homeowners to the community. We are excited to welcome new residents and watch our community grow. Our wonderful residents and beautiful amenities make SaddleBrooke Ranch a desirable place to be. Our amenities are expanding as well. The construction of the new clubhouse continues, and its true…