Classical Trio Performance – August 11

James W. Ketring A world class trio is doing a special public performance in Oro Valley on Friday, August 11, 7:00 p.m. The Cerulean Trio brings together the unique combination of a clarinet, viola and piano. They made their Carnegie Hall debut in May and were selected as finalists in the 2016 International Chesapeake Chamber…

A story about softball champs

John’s spring season teammates. For those who wonder if ladies play softball, please note there are four ladies on this team; add one more that was missing on photo day. Photo by Pat Tiefenbach.

Carol Chiarello and Pat Tiefenbach The SaddleBrooke Senior Softball Association (SSSA) recently ended its eight week spring season. This article usually details the records of the teams and who became the champs, but this time things are a little different. A guy named John Vosper plays softball, and he is 85 years young; he will…

HOA transitioning to a new software

Projected Northstar Implementation Dates  (please note these are subject  to change): SaddleBrooke Ranch – August 1 Robson Ranch AZ – August 1 All SaddleBrooke Golf Courses, including SaddleBrooke Ranch – August 1  (HOA went live with their own Northstar system January 1) PebbleCreek – September 1 Quail Creek – October 1 Robson Ranch Texas –…

“Stuff the Bus” paper drive set for August 19

The new school year is right around the corner, and the Oracle School District will once again be holding its 10th annual “Stuff the Bus” copy paper drive. Thanks to the amazing communities of SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch, not only was last year’s bus stuffed to the hilt with boxes of copy paper, the NJHS…

“Grow the Rainbow” discussion with Master Gardener August 23

The Gardeners Exchange of SaddleBrooke Ranch in conjunction with the SaddelBrooke/Saddlebrooke Ranch Master Gardeners welcomes “Grow the Rainbow” with speaker Deborah North, Pima County Master Gardener, on Wednesday, August 23, at 1:00 p.m. at La Hacienda Club at SaddleBrooke Ranch. What do orange fruits and vegetables have that green ones don’t? Deborah North, Pima County…

Get those feet on the floor

Step into Ballroom Dancing with our new Sunday Sampler. Learn the basics of East Coast Swing, Cha Cha and Waltz. Half hour classes are taught by instructors of the SaddleBrooke Dance Club in a relaxed, casual, small group environment. No cost, no commitment, no fooling! No partner? No problem. Join us at the MountainView Clubhouse,…