Donna Langwig On Sunday, March 5, at 3:00 p.m. Vista Fine Arts invites you to an exceptional concert of violin and piano music presented by artists James Black, violin, and Patricia Kaltenberger, piano. The place is Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church, 3001 E. Miravista Lane in Catalina, the west side of Oracle Rd.,…
March 2017
Vista Fine Arts presents James Black, violin and Patricia Kaltenberger, piano
March 2017
Gardeners Exchange
Learning about echinopsis The Gardeners Exchange of SaddleBrooke Ranch welcomes Jan Shrader to speak on “Echinopsis” on Wednesday, March 15, at 1:00 p.m. at La Hacienda Club. Echinopsis is a cold-hardy cactus from South America with an extraordinary trumpet flower, perfect for growing in the micro-climates of SaddleBrooke and SaddelBrooke Ranch. For years horticulturalists have…
March 2017
Keeping yourself safe outdoors is focus of March 16 Thursday Talk
Rebecca Williams So you have now moved in and are settling into a new environment. Many of us are new to Arizona and really enjoy the fine weather and the beauty of the mountains. But when it comes to understanding and dealing with the other inhabitants of our environment, particularly rattlesnakes, it can bring up…
March 2017
SBRLGA thanks Coyote Golf
Colleen Carey SaddleBrooke Ranch Ladies Golf League thanks our premier sponsor, Coyote Golf Carts. Special thanks to Coyote Golf Carts for stepping up and supporting the SBRWGA. They offer exemplary customer service and offer one of the most extensive lines of new and pre-owned golf carts. They sell EZGO, Yamaha and Garcia. Coyote Golf Carts…
March 2017
Ranch Roots does DNA
Carol Andrews On Monday, March 27, the Ranch Roots Genealogy group will meet at 1:00 p.m. in the La Mesa Room. In February we held a DNA workshop, and we’ll continue the workshop this month. Each person who has had their DNA analyzed should bring any printouts they have and the online access codes. We’ll…
March 2017
11th annual Autism Walk and Resource Fair: save the date and organize a team!
The Autism Society of Southern Arizona will host the 11th annual Autism Walk and Resource Fair on Saturday, April 1, in Kino Veterans Memorial Stadium at Kino Park Sports Complex, 2500 E. Ajo Way, Tucson, Arizona. Registration is at 7:30 a.m. and the Walk and Resource Fair is from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The…