Nan Nasser On Easter Sunday, April 5, Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church will celebrate Christ’s resurrection, symbolizing the hope for all mankind. Easter lilies will adorn the sanctuary and have been allergy proofed! An early 8:00 a.m. service will be held outside and will include the talents of MSPC flutist Marilyn Skoneczka and musical director on…
April 2015
Easter services at Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church
April 2015
Lady Niners news
Janice Neal The SaddleBrooke Ranch Lady Niners had its first meeting of the year on February 24. The members in charge for 2015 are Ardie Rossi, coordinator; Mary Schlachter, membership; Diane Seyl, captain coordinator; and Jeanne Bianchini, shirts. The Lady Niners is a social group, and they play 9 holes of golf at the SBR…
April 2015
Line Dance Lessons with Rebecca – April 2015
Dr. Mark Magdanz Who wants to dance this spring/summer? With the warm weather it seems we are headed to the change of seasons. It’s time to see who wants to dance at the Ranch for the 2015 spring/summer months. Ranch dancers will have their spring series starting in April. Rebecca accepts reservations for students for…
April 2015
Cinema Club ends April 28
Sadly our movie season is approaching its seasonal hiatus. The last feature for 2014-15 will be The Imitation Game, the story of World War II hero Alan Turing who broke the Nazi secret code. This film was nominated for eight Oscars including Best Picture and Best Actor. Be sure to mark your calendars for this…
April 2015
Teens Sew Cool holds annual meeting at SaddleBrooke Ranch
Judy Padgham On March 3, 2015 Teens Sew Cool, Inc. held its annual meeting and luncheon at SaddleBrooke Ranch La Hacienda clubhouse. Elections were held, and the new Board will be installed at the first Board meeting of the new fiscal year on April 8. Sixteen mentors from Oro Valley, Oracle, SaddleBrooke and The Ranch…
April 2015
Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament to be held April 11
Drew Mansager One of the most fun, popular golf tournaments in the area will be held at SaddleBrooke Ranch, on highway 77, April 11, sponsored by Council 5542 of the Knights of Columbus. “We will have prizes for the top three finishers, but we always have a surprise prize that any team has a chance…