Jane Gromelski, Partners Western Dance Club President
Partners Western Dance Club has a lot of boot scooting, ground pounding, dancing fun scheduled for the upcoming year. The club has scheduled a dance on Friday, April 7, with Branded Duo. Mark your calendars so you don’t miss the great music and the dancing fun.
The doors and cash bar will open at 5 p.m., on April 7, and Branded Duo will play from 6:30 until 9:30 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom. We have listened and danced to them since they played at the Lariat; they give us a great night of dancing fun. We will have a buffet that night with apricot chutney chicken kabobs, buttered rice and a salad. We will have brownies with vanilla ice cream for dessert. This should make the brownies even better; they need the ice cream to offset the rich chocolate. The kabobs are a new menu item from Chef Jamie and John Fazio, the new head of banquets at MountainView. Tickets are $25 per member.
Membership in the Partners Western Dance Club is $15 per person.
Jane and Stan Gromelski, SaddleBrooke residents, will offer beginner and intermediate Texas 2 Step and Western Waltz dance classes again in the fall on Wednesdays. We try to make classes relaxed and fun, it is easier to learn when you are having fun, and we dance because it is FUN!
On Thursdays in the Mesquite Fitness Room we will continue to offer Beginners Partner Pattern dance classes at 6 p.m. Intermediate classes will start at 7 p.m. These pattern dances offer a change of pace for our dancers. Some are easy, others more complicated, but they are all part of the challenge and fun of Western dance. These classes are $4 per person per class.
We have a dances scheduled for Sunday, November 10, and Sunday, December 3 in the fall. Yee Haw!
Grab your partner, some friends and come join the growing number of Western dancers here in SaddleBrooke.
For information email: janewesterndance@aol.com or call 818-3761.
Club website: SBPartnersWesternDance.wordpress.com