
Melanie Einbund

Passover was from April 22 through April 30. Many seders were held to recount the Jewish history of being slaves in Egypt. With the guidance of Moses, the Jewish people walked through the desert for 40 years, at which time the Jewish people were allowed to enter the land of Israel.

The holiday this year is special in ways that we can’t fathom. Since Oct. 7, 2023, there is a unity that persists among the Jewish people. No matter our paths in life, or our beliefs, we are united as one.

Our prayers and faith go to those still held in captivity by Hamas. Our hope is that one day, very soon, they will enjoy the freedom we experience today in our homes and community.

What’s Happening

A New Members Brunch in March was held at the home of Bonnie Lasky and Irv Rothenberg. New members and the board gathered to learn about each other. Esta Goldstein, chair, introduced each board member and their activities and area of responsibility. A request was made for volunteers because we, the board, can’t do it all by themselves. Yvette Sabulsky has volunteered to lead communications reaching out to members. Sue Spaniol will be helping Bonnie with our database. Our thanks to both for enriching our congregation.

Sorrow filled our congregation at the recent passing of long time member, Bill Kaplan. Bill was a man of few words, but whenever he spoke people listened as he was both warm and wise. Bill and Sherry are a special couple, always welcoming and caring. Bill, a righteous man as we honor his memory.

Shavuot is a holiday honoring the giving of the Ten Commandments from the Lord to Moses. I promise you we will not trek to Sinai, but we will celebrate! In modern times we have all night studies and eat dairy foods. B’nai Midbar will celebrate on June 11 from 4 to 8 p.m. by having learning tables and eating cheesecake!

Repeating and Hoping!

When I came to SaddleBrooke I brought a tradition of giving attendees at Rosh Hashanah morning services a honey cake. Honey cakes symbolize a sweet and happy New Year. Over 80 honey cakes were baked by our members and given to the congregation this past Rosh Hashanah.

I have an opportunity for a member of our congregation to become the Honey Cake Baker coordinator. No baking, just coordinating. Please contact me if interested at [email protected]. I do hope that you are interested so we can keep this tradition going.

B’nai Midbar is a small and welcoming congregation. If you have questions or wish to join our congregation, please feel free to contact Esta Goldstein at 520825-1181 for information.