Putters recruit new members at the Club Expo

Terry Pendy, Irene Kiel and Debi Kerth; Photo by Ronda Hayes.

Camille Esterman

An explosion of pink greeted attendees of the Club Expo as they approached the Ranchette Putters’ booth. Posters displaying activities from the prior year and membership information added to the colorful display.

Club members Terry Pendy, Irene Kiel and Debi Kerth signed up 25 potential members. Each signee was invited to join the club for a free putting session. Several ladies joined the club on the spot.

One of the club’s sponsors, Les and Leslie Brown, ‘the Sell, Buy and Rent Team’ from Oracle Land and Homes, furnished a $25 movie gift card to be raffled off after the event. The lucky winner was Phyllis Pettyjohn.

Ranchette Putters looks forward to seeing all of these ladies at one of our upcoming 9:00 a.m. sessions on Wednesday mornings. The club is open to all ladies at SaddleBrooke Ranch who want to have fun while learning how to putt or improving their putting skills. Contact Cindy Watkins for additional membership information
at cwatk97661@aol.com.