October winners: Cathy Ratliff, Evie Thompson, Karen Walser, Marilyn Heasley, Linda Noble, Sandy Getter, and Corky Mansmith
Camille Esterman
Did you ever enjoy singing the song “Me and My Shadow”? If so, you could have joined in the fun, while putting on the SBR green this October. While a later start time allowed the low sun to warm the green, it also attached a long shadow to every Ranchette Putter—shadows we all had to make sure were not falling into the path of another putter’s shot.
The Ranchette Putters welcome the return of our snowbirds as we celebrate our October winners. Each month, awards are given out to the putters with the three lowest gross average scores, the individuals who aced six or more shots and the putters with the three lowest net average scores.
Kudos go out to all of this month’s winners. Three ladies tied for the third lowest gross average of 37.333: Sandy Getter, Linda Nicholson, and Jean Sticha. Marilyn Heasley placed second with a gross average of 37.000. And a stellar performance put Evie Thompson on top with the lowest gross average of 34.667
Everyone knows that it takes special skills to sink a ball in one stroke. This month the club applauds Corky Mansmith with 8 holes-in-one (HOIs) and Terri Stewart with 7 HOIs.
Using handicaps has enabled our club to recognize another group of winners each month. The third place award went to Karen Walser with a net average score of 37.067. Cathy Ratliff won second place with a net average score of 35.967 and Linda Noble had the best net average score of 35.333.
Ranchette Putters celebrate the talent our October winners displayed. Our club invites all female residents of SBR to join us for a fun weekly event. Check out our bulletin board by the pro shop for more information or contact Corky Mansmith at [email protected].