(Left to right) Ron Gustafson, Jeff Hansen, Barry Milner, Scott Saxson, and Dan Carter
Steve Groth
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach has long had a program buying books for kids at the Ray Elementary School in Kearny. Last year, we added bookshelves for the kids, and Ranch woodworkers stepped up and built them as they have—again. Ron Gustafson, Jeff Hansen, Barry Milner, Scott Saxson, and Dan Carter, worked nights at the Ranch woodshed to build 15 bookcases. The bookcases are presented to first graders and are theirs to take home. A bonus this year, the kids also received a beautiful plaque crafted by Debbie Carter to go along with their new bookcase, a real work of art. The sturdy handsome bookcases and books are a lifetime gift to the kids to encourage reading.