Left to right: Mary Schlachter, Vida Kaczmarek, Susan Knight, Jackie Boll, Pam Engelhardt, Karen Lanning, Doris Carlin, Diane Fox, Judy Adams, Marilyn Heasley, Roxanne Watson, Loretta Gresham, Jacque Hendricks, Ardie Rossi, Sandy Getter, Corky Mansmith, and Camille Esterman (Photo by Jodie Walker-Lowe)
Camille Esterman
March weather turned out to be ideal for putting. Cool temperatures at 9 a.m. quickly warmed up under sunny skies, as teams of Ranchette Putters shed their jackets and sweaters. A record number of impressive scores were recorded in March, especially since the month provided five opportunities to putt.
Each month prizes are given out to putters with the first, second, and third lowest gross average scores, members who sink six or more aces and to putters with the first, second, and third lowest net scores.
SaddleBrooke Ranch Ranchette Putters is pleased to announce its award winners for March. The prize for the third lowest gross average was earned by Rita Teresi with 36.800. Mary Schlachter took second place with a gross average of 36.200. An outstanding putting performance by Doris Carlin put her on top with a gross average of 36.000.
There were a lot of high fives and cheers as these 27 putters scored at least six holes-in-one. Congratulations go out to: Anne Ratterman (12); Corky Mansmith, Loretta Gresham, and Leslie Brown (11); Mary Schlachter, Ardie Rossi, Karen Lanning, Marilyn Heasley, and Camille Esterman (10); Rita Teresi, Lucy Peck, Trish Minard, and Bev Franklin (9); Evelyn Silver, Sandy Getter, Diane Fox, Sherry Brinster, and Judy Adams (8); Susan Knight (7); Roxanne Watson, Evie Thompson, Vida Kaczmarek, Jacque Hendricks, Sharon Groth, Pam Engelhardt, Doris Carlin, and Jackie Boll (6).
By using handicaps, the club is also able to award prizes to a second group of winners. Kristin Marada had the third lowest net average of 36.033. Sherry Brinster came in second place with a net average of 34.567. Leslie Brown scored first place with the lowest net average of 34.300.
Ranchette Putters is proud of our March winners and invites all female residents of SBR to join us for a fun weekly event. Check out our bulletin board by the Pro Shop for more information, or contact Corky Mansmith at [email protected].