Using a stationary bike or balancing ball as a classroom seat allows kinesthetic learners to better concentrate on their schoolwork.
SBCO Grant assists middle school intervention students
Nancy McCluskey-Moore
Rebecca Green is an intervention teacher at Coronado K-8 School who assists middle school students (grades 6-8) who need extra help or who are at risk for failing multiple classes, including reading, writing, math, science and social studies. Some students come to her class daily for language skills instruction and since last year she has been teaching her students study skills. Many of her students struggle to stay focused on a task due to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Many are kinesthetic learners who wiggle, tap, swing their legs, bounce and often just can’t seem to sit still. They tend to be good athletes but may have trouble with reading and other academic skills. These students learn through their bodies and their sense of touch.
Green submitted a grant request to SaddleBrooke Community Outreach to purchase two stationery desk bicycles and five balancing balls that could be used as alternative seating in her classroom. Her request was based on research studies that concluded children with ADHD could focus better when sitting on ball chairs and that all students who could move around were more attentive. She sought a 20 percent improvement in both the students’ focus and academic achievement.
In her classroom, a card system is used to document unfocused or inappropriate classroom behavior. The consequences of behaviors include a warning, lunch detention or office referral. Green has already seen an improvement since using the alternative seating options. Although she first was concerned students might treat the bike or balls as toys, this has not been the case. There has been a significant improvement in both behavior and performance among her students. And, as she noted, “It’s far safer than students tipping their chairs backward or to the side in an effort to get the movement their bodies crave.”
Thank you, SBR clubs
Camille Esterman
Thanks, SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Club! The donation of $1,033 from the sale of the YUM Cookbooks can provide a new fall wardrobe for 14 children: each receives three pairs of jeans, three long sleeved shirts, six pairs of socks, six sets of underwear, shoes, jacket, hat and gloves
Steve Groth
Thanks, SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association! The donation of $1,460 from the 2nd annual Golfer Appreciation Day can provide a new fall wardrobe for 20 children: each receives three pairs of jeans, three long sleeved shirts, six pairs of socks, six sets of underwear, shoes, jacket, hat and gloves.
Buy a chance to win a new car
Emilie Siarkiewicz
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach is once again participating in the Jim Click “Millions for Tucson” car raffle. This year’s Grand Prize is a 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee Summit. The second prize is two round-trip, first-class airline tickets to anywhere in the world (some restrictions do apply) and the third prize is $5000 cash. The drawing will be held on December 13, 2018.
Raffle tickets are $25 each or five for $100 and SBCO gets all the money collected to support its food, clothing and education programs.
Tickets may be purchased with cash, credit card or check Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. at the SBCO office, Suite L of the Minit Mart complex on SaddleBrooke Blvd. The last day to purchase tickets is November 30.
For more information, call Emilie Siarkiewicz at 818-0425.
Helpers needed for SBCO holiday food basket program
The holidays will be a little brighter for many families in the Oracle and San Manuel area thanks to the efforts of SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO). Just before Thanksgiving, SBCO will deliver 50 holiday food baskets to area residents in need. Each basket will be filled with the traditional Thanksgiving items, including a large turkey and all the trimmings. Special baskets will be provided to those with larger families. The baskets will be laundry baskets – making it easy to transport the food and provide the recipients with a useful household item.
The Holiday Food Basket program has been in existence for many years. We are seeking volunteers who would enjoy helping SBCO combat the food deficiencies of our neighbors. If you would like to be a Holiday Food Basket volunteer, please contact Joan or Rich Roberts at 825-7577.