Consider a Legacy Donation to the SBCO Scholarship Endowment Fund

Tony and Terry Lulek were named the SBCO Volunteers of Year for 2022-23.
Nancy McCluskey-Moore
William James, the American philosopher and psychologist said, “The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it.” The Board of Directors of SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) engaged in this type of farsighted thinking when it established the SBCO Scholarship Endowment Fund.
Since 2001, SBCO has been granting two- and four-year college scholarships to deserving students in the “Copper Corridor,” an area that stretches more than 100 miles from Catalina north to Globe, Ariz. The purpose of the Fund is two-fold: to ensure that college scholarships would continue to be granted even if SBCO as an organization ceased to exist and to provide funding for more scholarships (for both undergraduate and graduate students) without taking money from other SBCO programs. A minimum $5,000 level was set for Endowment Fund donations to keep smaller donations directed toward SBCO’s general fund.
However, not all of us are comfortable making a large financial donation during our lifetime. While we are living, we may need to carefully manage our financial resources. Inflation, a prolonged illness, or simply living to a ripe old age can make us cautious about giving away money today. But once we pass, such concerns no longer exist. As the old saying goes, “You can’t take it with you.”
A legacy donation, or planned giving, allows you to ensure your estate is distributed in a way that reflects your values and allows you to help future generations. Legacy donations are designated in your will or trust. You indicate the parties that receive the proceeds of your estate. One or even several individuals or organizations can be designated as your heirs.
All contributions to the SBCO Scholarship Endowment Fund must be made payable to the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona (CFSA) and designated for the “SBCO Scholarship Endowment Fund.” (CFSA’s Tax ID is 94-2681765.) This ensures donations are legally separated from SBCO general funds, properly processed, and the donor receives acknowledgment. To make a legacy donation, have your attorney include CFSA as the manager of the SBCO Scholarship Endowment Fund as a beneficiary in your trust or estate plan.
For more information about the SBCO Scholarship Endowment Fund, please send an email to [email protected] or call the SBCO office at 520-825-3302.
Long-time Volunteer Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

In April 2023, SBCO awarded Ann Coziahr the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Nancy McCluskey-Moore
Ann Coziahr was not ready to retire from her work as a government contract auditor when her husband, Jim, who was an airline pilot, decided they should visit SaddleBrooke. He thought it might be a good place to live during their “post-work” lives. In October 1998, they flew from their home in Silver Springs, Md., and purchased a lot. Sadly, Ann’s husband died shortly after they purchased the lot, but she went ahead and built a house in 1999.
After Ann was able to retire, she moved to SaddleBrooke in December 2001. “I moved here as a widow and was unsure what I would do with the rest of my life,” she recalls. “But it has never been a problem. Moving here was a great decision and I’ve never looked back!” Her husband was right—SaddleBrooke has proven to be a good place for her retirement years—due largely to Ann’s willingness to serve as a committed volunteer. First, she volunteered for the SaddleBrooke Libraries, where she continues to work. Then, in April 2003, she attended the opening of the Golden Goose Thrift Shop and became a volunteer. Two months later she agreed to join the SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) board of directors as assistant treasurer. She had learned about SBCO from her neighbor, Jim Brademas. As assistant treasurer, Ann worked with John Young as treasurer. One year, they were chosen to serve as the grand marshals for the SBCO Walkathon.
In 2007, Ann was appointed to the Golden Goose board of directors where she was treasurer until 2010. After that, she served for 10 years as the Golden Goose representative for SBCO. For the past two years, she has served as SBCO executive vice president. Through the years, Ann has participated in the SBCO Walkathon, Food Drive, Kids’ Closet, and Home Tours. As she notes, “I have now volunteered for the SaddleBrooke Libraries, SBCO, and the Goose for 20 years!”
Ann’s sons both live on the east coast, but she has become part of another family through her volunteer work. “When volunteering, especially for SBCO, you become a member of a family working together to help others. You look forward to going to “work” every day and your spirits are lifted by your coworkers and the happy faces of children and adults around you.”
Ann encourages others to volunteer. “Giving back in retirement is good for both yourself and others. Retirees have so many things they contribute—time, effort and experience—and we live in an area where local communities can really use our help. I heartily recommend becoming an SBCO volunteer—join the family and find out how you can help!”
Kids’ Closet and Teen Closet Help Youngsters Build Self-Esteem

Volunteer Josie Heyl (right) helped Jasmine De Los Reyes select new clothing during a Teen Closet shopping trip at Ross Dress for Less.
Nancy McCluskey-Moore
For the past 26 years, Kids’ Closet has been providing children with new school clothing to raise their self-esteem and encourage school attendance. This SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) program began when a group of women in SaddleBrooke discovered that local children had poor school attendance because they needed to share shoes and clothing with their siblings. In the beginning, the women purchased used clothing at thrift stores, washed the items, and then distributed them to children in Oracle. Over the years, the program has grown to serve the needs of children along a 100+ mile corridor stretching from Catalina to Miami. Each school year, in the fall and spring, students from these rural communities arrive at the Kids’ Closet in Mammoth to choose new clothing. Children eligible to receive free meals at their preschool or school are referred to the program.
In the 2022-23 school year, 2,820 students in preschool, elementary, and junior high/middle schools received clothing from Kids’ Closet. Students came from Head Start programs and 15 schools in 10 communities. In the fall, each student chooses three pairs of pants, three long-sleeve shirts, a jacket, a knit hat and gloves, a pair of shoes, six pairs of socks, six pairs of underpants, toiletries, and two books. In the spring, each student selects three pairs of shorts, three short-sleeve shirts, and a sweatshirt in addition to shoes, underwear, toiletries, and books. Volunteers serve as “personal shoppers,” helping the kids select clothing and shoes that fit.
Since new wardrobes and personal care items are just as important to high school students, SBCO hosts Teen Closet shopping trips twice a year, in January and July. Teen Closet began in 2001, helping seven students in the Catalina community. Today the program serves students in six high schools. Schools identify students entering 9th grade who would benefit from the program based on family need. To continue in Teen Closet, each student must attend school regularly, attain a passing GPA, and perform six hours of community service each semester to receive $250 to purchase clothing, shoes, school supplies, and personal items. Students who graduate from high school in the spring are given one last shopping trip in July, when they purchase items for their dorm rooms or apartments, in addition to clothing. In 2022-23, 143 students, assisted by an adult volunteer who served as the student’s personal shopper, shopped at Target and Ross Dress for Less in Oro Valley. Teen Closet has given teenagers the opportunity to attend school with pride of person, knowing that they have earned this benefit through their hard work and mindfulness of the needs of others in their community.
The next Teen Closet event will be held at the end of July. If you would like to participate, please email [email protected] to have your name added in our volunteer list.