Happy Tail: CoCo

Joe and CoCo
Romayne Trudo
In December 2022, Denise and Joe Kasile lost their cherished Yorkie-terrier mix named Darla. They were devastated as was their other pup, Rascal, who had lost his pal and playmate. Denise and Joe contacted SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network (SBPRN) asking for assistance in finding another pup. Sometimes the universe gives us what we need, exactly when we need it. Simultaneously, we were contacted by an individual who needed to relinquish her sweet poodle, CoCo, due to ongoing health issues.
A meet and greet was arranged to include Rascal and it was love at first sight for all parties. I am told that CoCo and Rascal have become the best of friends and they rule the Kasile household. Although it was sad and difficult for the previous owner to give up CoCo, she did so out of pure love for this little girl. CoCo has a wonderful new home, surrounded by love and is now able to play with her big brother. Once again, residents of our pet-loving community came to the rescue.
Happy Tail: Joey

Yolanda with Joey
Romayne Trudo
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network is frequently contacted by residents looking for assistance with finding a new pet. A list of potential adopters is maintained. Sometimes it takes quite a while before the perfect pet is found based on the criteria given to the re-homing coordinator.
In October 2022, Yolanda Niemann contacted us, hoping to adopt a small dog. The search was on but we had no luck until Joey came on the scene, a 1½-year-old Maltese-Yorkshire Terrier mix. He was in need of a new home because the owner’s job responsibilities often took him away from home. He felt that Joey would be happier in a home with someone who could give him more time and attention. We contacted Yolanda and she agreed to a foster-to-adopt scenario. But in a matter of days, she upgraded her status—Yolanda adopted Joey! It was a happy ending for everyone, and he now spends his days enjoying multiple walks and being doted upon by his person.
Annual Pet Food Drive: Helping Pets in Need
Don’t miss SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network’s (SBPRN) pet food drive on Wednesday, April 19, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. being held at the HOA One parking lot near the bocce ball courts. This food drive benefits the Pets in Need Action League (P.I.N.A.L.), which provides temporary pet food assistance to qualified residents of Pinal County who may be struggling to provide for their pets. P.I.N.A.L. relies on grants and donations, as they receive no municipal, county, or federal funding. Please drop off your unopened dry or canned dog/puppy and cat/kitten food—only food—not other pet items. Of course, cash donations are always accepted. Other pet items can be dropped off at SBPRN’s First Friday Drop-Off, which is held each first Friday of the month, also near the bocce courts.
Monthly Pet Donation Drop-Off Program
Karyle Steele
Our various pet charities are always in need and are always thankful for your donations. Please consider dropping off any of the items listed below. Cash donations are also accepted and appreciated. The SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network’s drop-off location is at the SaddleBrooke HOA One bocce ball courts. It is the first Friday of every month.
Please do not leave items unattended.
May through August drop-off hours are 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and September through April hours are 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
We accept most pet-related items that are in clean and good condition. We also accept clean towels, which are used in our shelter’s clinic. Food is always needed.
We are now accepting sheets, which will be used by Arizona Vet Santa Cruz. They serve low-income families in Southern Arizona and the Copper Corridor with spay and neuter services at a low cost.
We cannot accept any poly-filled items such as pillows as they present a choking hazard. Nor can we accept any rugs with rubber backing. Any items accepted are at the discretion of the volunteers.