The players are (from back left) Janice Mihora, Beena Ordahl, Sheils Bray and Georgine Hurst
Mark Wong and Sandy Schlager
The SBR Tennis Association sponsored members only league play for women for the month of May. The category was 5.5 teams, which meant that any woman’s team with ratings that would total 5.5 or less could play. Thus a 2.5 woman playing with a 3.0 rated woman could enter as a team, as could a 2.0 player with a 3.5 rated player. While the results could not be determined due to the early deadline for this article, the interest by members was very positive, and we anticipate having a mixed doubles league at several levels (5.0 league; 5.5 league; 6.0 league and 6.5 league) later this year.
If you haven’t already thought about joining our tennis club, now is the perfect time to join. You’ll meet friendly and fun tennis enthusiasts at all levels who just come out to enjoy the game of tennis. For more information, you can call Ted Wierman, Membership Chairperson, at 503-858-7120 or go to our website at www.saddlebrookeranch.org/tennis.
See you on the courts soon!