SaddleBrooke Ranch Women make 70 Little Dresses for Africa

Linda Shannon-Hills and Carol Smith

La Vista Room was buzzing in August when 22 enthusiastic and skilled women of SaddleBrooke Ranch came together to make Little Dresses for Africa. Carol Smith proposed the idea of making the dresses as a Stitch N Chat group project. We jumped at the idea and it mushroomed from there. Many of the women that helped are not regulars of the Stitch N Chat but are thrilled to be helping out. Most dresses started from new or lightly used pillowcases. Many people donated pillowcases while others brought in other fabric to use.

We had tables with women cutting the pillowcases, some were ironing, others pinning the bias onto the dresses to then have other women sewing the dresses on sewing machines. Some women made little shorts for boys to send along as well. Others cut out material from sheets and other fabric they had at home or purchased. The dresses all turned out so beautiful from a beautiful group of women from the Ranch.

A special thanks goes out to all the women that helped: Carol Smith, Kerstin Seifert, Jean Sticha, Carol Andrews, Mary Theis, Sharon Groth, Corinne Sturdivant, Linda Whittington, Nancy Galant, Beryl Readdy, Lydia Reichard, Robin Jacks, Dianne Johns, Vickie Ray, Jean Alness, Lupe Cook, Rhonda Orendorff, Raynelle Duhl, Sally Carstens, Camille Hovmiller, Cheri Utsler, Jean Elaine Parfet, Priscilla Kramer and Linda Shannon-Hills.

The dresses will be shipped to the non-profit organization called Little Dresses for Africa. They are distributed to orphanages, churches and schools. You can read more about this organization at We appreciate all donations to help us ship all these wonderful dresses.

Watch for future work dates to make more dresses!

The Stitch N Chat group meets on Thursdays in La Vista Room from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Come and join the fun!