Left to right: Janice Mihora, Secretary; Joyce DeYoung, President; Alex Anna, Vice-President; and Sue Wells, Treasurer

Mindy Hawkins presenting appreciation gift to President Brenda
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association held its last meeting for 2015 combined with their year-end Christmas party at The Preserve on Friday, December 11. Twenty-one members attended, enjoying a wonderful social hour and great dinner following the meeting.
New officers were installed for 2016.
Following the dinner President Brenda Armenia presented thank you gifts from SBRWGA to the committee chairpersons. Additionally she personally thanked the 2015 Executive Board members and gave them gifts.
SBRWGA members also presented Brenda with a gift certificate and trophy expressing their appreciation for her dedication and hard work as president of our league for the past two years.
The League looks forward to a fun and successful 2016 as well as growth in the League. All eligible women are invited to join and enjoy the great fellowship.