Saying Thanks to the SBR Golf Club Grounds Crew

Tom Graham

The SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Club Grounds Crew stands by us throughout the year. They are a separate group from the SaddleBrooke Ranch employees and are not included in the Employee Appreciation Fund. Join us in making their holiday just a little brighter.

These gentlemen and lady do not work in positions that provide residents the opportunity to personally thank them throughout the year. They often start in the dark with headlights on cutting greens and fairways, raking sand, setting the pins, and grooming the tee boxes. They’re also busy repairing the greens, fixing divots, and improving the collars and drainage. Sometimes we see them and sometimes we don’t. How many know those who maintain the equipment? Not many.

Simply put, these individuals make it possible for us as residents to enjoy our significantly improved golf course. It comes with dedication and perseverance.

This year was a great success, with more events and great playing conditions. The events included community events promoted through the greens committee and the golf club, as well as special tournaments throughout the year for both men and women. Last year we were able to make a difference for each member of the crew. They were thrilled to receive the gift. Let’s step up during this holiday time and make a difference again.

Please join us in celebrating our Golf Club Grounds Crew. There is a box in the Golf Pro Shop titled Golf Club Grounds Crew Appreciation Fund. Please make checks payable to SBRMGA, and all will be distributed. Contribution deadline is Dec. 13, 2022.