Steve Groth, Education VP for SBCO, is presenting a plaque to Ted Wiseman and Sam Rossi.
Nan Nasser
On Monday, April 11, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach hosted its annual Appreciation Event honoring all volunteers and programs for the past fiscal year. Among the many to be recognized were those who participated in our clothing programs (Kids’ Closet, Teen Closet), education programs (college scholarships, local tutoring in neighboring schools, and support of enrichment programs offered at many of the schools in our service area) and food projects (holiday food baskets, the annual food drive, summer backpacks with supplies for lunches and breakfasts, and our budgeted monetary donation to the Tri-Community Food Bank).
Members of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association presented a large check for $7,500 to support the ongoing education program. In return SBCO gave a plaque to the SBRMGA, recognizing them as a supporter of the year for SBCO. The golfers continue to support the scholarships given out by the Education Committee, headed by Steve Groth, a resident of the Ranch, and by Elise Grimes of SaddleBrooke.
The event ended with refreshments and an opportunity to welcome all the Ranchers who attended and participated in the affairs of SBCO.