Nanci Messner congratulating Pilar Borm, our 2024 Most Improved Player
Char Burrill
Most Improved Player 2024
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) is excited to announce that the 2024 recipient of our most improved player award was Pilar Borm. This annual award is based on handicaps from Jan. 1 to Dec. 1 and is determined using the USGA/GHIN formula for calculating “most improved.” To be eligible, the golfer must have been a member of SBRWGA for the entire year, must have played a minimum of 12 postable rounds during league days, and must have posted a minimum of 50 scores during the year. Congratulations, Pilar, on a wonderful year of golf!
Looking Ahead
We are looking forward to a wonderful 2025. For those women who are already members—mark your calendars. For those who are not—perhaps you will find something here that prompts you to consider joining these golfing women at SaddleBrooke Ranch.
The group offers women golfers the opportunity for fun and relaxed, yet competitive golf on our regular Tuesday league days as well as the opportunity for tournament play and golf in the wider Tucson area. All in a supportive environment!
Weekly league play is on Tuesdays. Four of those Tuesdays are State Medallion Qualifiers. This year those dates are Feb. 18, June 17, July 8, and Aug. 19. In addition to our regular league play, 2025 tournaments are:
Del Sud: Feb. 18 and 25
President’s Cup: March 17 and 18
Charity Event: April 8
Cactus Flower Member Guest: April 22 and 23
Telegraph:June 17
Updegraff Cup : Sept. 8 and 9
Member Member: Oct. 13 and 14
Club Championship: Nov. 10 and 11
Sadie Hawkins: Dec. 2
If you are looking for golfing opportunities in the wider Tucson area, Catalina Cup is one of those. Catalina Cup is a season–long, two-person match play competition between several clubs in the Tucson area including Saddlebrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association. Contact Barb Simms at 970-879-7684 or Jean Cheszek at 847-666-7107 if you are interested in more information. Other opportunities for competitive play in the wider Tucson area include Kachina Dolls tournaments, Southern District Women’s Golf Association Tournaments, and City Women’s Golf Association tournaments. All three have websites where you can get additional information. This year Saddlebrooke Ranch will be hosting a Kachina Dolls tournament on April 28. If you are interested in more information on the Kachina Dolls or their tournament at SBR, contact Joanne Oliver at 714-716-6635 or Mindy Hawkins at 859-619-3765.
For more information about the Saddlebrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association, please visit our website at sbrwga.com or contact our membership chair, Evie Thompson, at 805-210-0089.