Ted Wierman
As we start a new year the SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association is excited about the announcement for additional tennis courts to be constructed during the first half of 2015! Additional courts will allow more flexible scheduling for clinics, mentoring and lessons for all residents of The Ranch! We look forward to taking advantage of the additional courts to make tennis more accessible for everyone!
On January 12 Mark Wong with assistance from Dean Alfrey conducted a clinic for beginning tennis instruction. With nine attendees, the clinic was enjoyed and appreciated by all that attended. These clinics are held several times a year and are a great way for any SBR resident to get back into tennis in a very comfortable and non-threatening environment. Membership in the tennis association is not required, but we hope that with the many opportunities to play with members will make joining our club a good option for most. For the $25 annual membership you get scheduled play with other tennis players, opportunity to mingle at social events with the group, and a nice activity that keeps us all young!
The new Board of directors for SBRTA consists of Tom Kanitz, President; Janice Neal, VP; Alastair Stone, Secretary; Linda Bowman, Treasurer; Tove Lupe, Events Chairperson; and Lupe Cook and Ted Wierman, Membership. Interested residents can feel free to contact any of the Board to ask any questions about our club. To join our association contact Ted Wierman at [email protected] or any of the board members.
We look forward to an exciting year and hope to see many of you on the courts!