SBRWGA Sadie Hawkins Tournament

SBRWGA Member-Member Golf Tournament
Patti Jo Lewis
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) is loving golf! Here’s a recap of recent autumn events.
Take Sadie Out to the Ballgame
The annual Sadie Hawkins Tournament was held on Sept. 3 with a great turnout of golfers. Sadie lady golfers paired up with a male partner—as long as it was not their significant other. The theme and decorations centered around the great American pastime of baseball. Of course, lunch in the Sol Ballroom included an all-American meal: hot dog, potato salad, and apple pie a la mode.
Sadie Hawkins Winners
Babe Ruth Flight—1st: Jean Cheszek and Dave Allison, 2nd: Joanne Garcia and Dennis Johnson, 3rd: Barb Simms and Ed Cheszek
Hank Aaron Flight—1st: Jeanne Jensen and Mike Eby, 2nd: Tom Grawe and Karen Oprish, 3rd: Jim Mulhall and Susan Pharr
Willie Mays Flight—1st: Dan Anderson and Lynn Mulhall, 2nd: Joe Cimo and Sterlyn Robertson, 3rd: Jeff Hansen and Diana Walton
Ty Cobb Flight—1st: Julie Ross and Scott Thordarson, 2nd: Lorraine Smith and Tim Schaal, 3rd: Mary Drake and Bob Cressio
Cy Young Flight—1st: Alan Ness and Joanne Foster, 2nd: Pam Horwitt and Marvin Soskil, 3rd: Charlotte Graham and Terry Pettijohn
Member-Member Golf Tournament
“Swing Into Autumn and Let Your Putts Fall” was held on Oct. 7 and 8, although it did not feel like autumn temps yet. Congratulations to the overall winners, Jean Cheszek and Debbie Shelton with a net score of 130! Our sponsors were Golf Cars of Arizona, Oro Ford, Pride Mechanical, and our new sponsor Harn Legacy PLLC.
Member-Member Winners
Orange Flight—1st: Jean Cheszek and Debbie Shelton, 2nd: Diana Walton and Kathy Anderson, 3rd: Marci Whitehead and Monika Bartko
Brown Flight—1st: Joanne Garcia and Janice Mihora, 2nd: Brenda Armenia and Pilar Borm, 3rd: Charlotte Graham and Judy Callahan
Amber Flight—1st: Kathi Dyer and Laura Gilchrist, 2nd: Carole Ericksen and Jeanne Osterlund, 3rd: Carol Sacks and Trudy Hanley
Crimson Flight—1st: Barbara Saffran and Sue Wells, 2nd: Sherry Leasure and Fran Harrington, 3rd: Karen Oprish and Bonnie Stark
Green Flight—1st: Joanne Foster and Evie Thompson, 2nd: Maggie Merrick and Ingrid McManus, 3rd: Jackie Elphic and Mindy Hawkins
Our Closest to the Pin sponsors were Team Platinum, Pride Solar Panel Cleaning, and Stone Canyon Painting.
Closest to Pin Winners
Hole #5—Day One: Diane Coughlin, Day Two: Sterlyn Robertson
Hole #12—Day One: Brenda Armenia, Day Two: Ingrid McManus
You cannot have a golf tournament without fabulous food! Thanks to Kim Rice for hosting Day One lunch of pizza, salad, and drinks, and to our own Ranch House Grill team for a delicious baked potato bar, toppings, and yummy pumpkin pie with whipped cream.
What’s left for 2024? We are looking forward to our Club Championship in November and Updegraff Cup in December, and cooler temps!