SBRWGA Queens of Swing


Janice Mihora

SaddleBrooke Ranch Womens Golf Association held its first Queens of Swing tournament on Tuesday, November 14. The year-long event concluded with the final tournament to award one low gross and one low net winner for the year. Twenty-two members competed for the title of “Queen of Swing.”

Congratulations to low gross winner Jean Cheszek with a score of 72 and low net winner Janice Mihora with a 69 who won in a card playoff.

In first place, low gross Gaye Ohanion 85, low net Marlyce Mycka 69. Second place low gross Alex Anna 88, low net Jeanne Osterlund 72. Third place low gross Mary Snowden 89 and fourth place low gross Carol Mihal 93. Marion Ewing, Sterlyn Robertson, Debbie Shelton, Kate Thomsen and Sue Wells tied for third place low net winners with 74.

The SBRWGA would like to thank Mindy Hawkins, Jeanne Osterlund, Mary Snowden, Cheryl Reddy, Bonnie Stark, Marlyce Mycka and Brenda Armenia for organizing the Queens of Swing Tournament.

The Queens of Swing Tournament was sponsored by Coyote Golf Cars. Thank you, Coyote Golf Cars, for supporting SBRWGA!