Roadrunner by Karen Brungardt

Agave by Renee Pearson
Karen Brungardt
Intro To Alcohol Inks Sept. 16, 1 to 4 p.m.
Instructor: Karen Brungardt
Discover the thrill of using vibrant colors to learn the basics and complete a project in class. This medium is fun and colorful for eye-catching paintings, making cards, doing abstracts, and other fun projects.
Cost: $35 for members, $45 for nonmembers. Supply list sent after registration. For beginners and up.
Pocket Sketching and Painting Sept. 23, 1 to 4 p.m.
Instructor: Karen Brungardt
Want to do sketches in public without someone looking over your shoulder? Learn how to do this in a discrete way, using a few tools to create a great travel journal, subjects for future paintings, cards to send, and other things. All supplies included.
Cost: $45 for members, $55 for nonmembers. Beginners and up.
Prayer Flags October 6 through 8, 9 a.m. to noon (three-day workshop)
Instructor: Deb Kress
Make your own collection. The flags will blow in the wind to spread goodwill, compassion, strength, wisdom, and peace into all the pervading space.
Cost for 3-cay workshop: $100. For beginners and up.
Desert Landscapes with Alcohol Inks Oct. 12, 10 a.m. to noon
Instructor: Theresa Poalucci
Create two 9×12 desert landscapes on Yupo paper, using colors to suit you and your taste.
Class fee: $75, all supplies included. Limit 10 students.
Watercolor Batik Oct. 21, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Instructor: Karen Brungardt
Using a wax resist on special paper, then painting with watercolors and other techniques, you’ll create a fun, light-filled painting on paper instead of cloth! This is a step-by-step procedure, easy to follow along as you learn how to make this type of creative painting.
Cost: $75 for members, $85 for nonmembers. For beginners and up. Supply list sent after registration.
Painting a Sunflower in Watercolor Oct. 22, 9 to 3 p.m.
Instructor: Renee Pearson
Back by popular demand! If you missed this class from this summer, here’s your chance to take it now.
Learn how to layer watercolor through the application of glazes to paint a lovely sunflower. We will be painting a watercolor of a sunflower by layering color to achieve depth and form, starting with the flower itself. After lunch, we will complete the painting by doing the leaves and the background using some dark beautiful colors.
Cost: $75 for members, $85 for nonmembers. Suggested for intermediate and up. Supplies list emailed after registration.
Beginning Drawing Oct. 26, to Nov. 23, 9 a.m. to noon
Instructor: Laurie Brussel
This class meets every Tuesday morning for five weeks, and is for individuals who have always been afraid to take their first drawing class and also for more experienced artists who would like to build their confidence and deepen their artistic perceptions. Laurie will teach you how to shift from your usual analytical processing (left-brain mode) to a more creative way of thinking and seeing (right-brain mode).
For the first day of class, bring number 2 pencils, a kneaded or plastic eraser, and a 14 X 17 all-purpose drawing pad (no newsprint please).
Cost: $175. For beginners and up.
Collage Oct. 27 through 30, 9 a.m. to noon
Instructor: Deb Kress
Collage is a French word meaning “to glue.” We will be making our own papers and learning about the methods and products used to adhere them to paper. Make it your own with a daily paper or magazine, parts of a photograph, newspaper clippings, and words.
Four-day workshop cost: $140. For beginners and up.