In-Reach more than Outreach
Stephanie Thomas
Too often organizations try to expand into many areas of a city, and soon the sense of personal service is lost. People begin to feel like a number on a list rather than an individual. Senior Village at SaddleBrooke is all about “in-reach.” Over 100 trained volunteers are all residents of SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch, and our services are designed only for our members in the same greater SaddleBrooke community. These enthusiastic volunteers have attended orientation meetings and are now trained to drive members to appointments or for grocery shopping, install lock boxes, make daily wellness calls and perform odd jobs for members inside and outside the house. We are truly grateful to these volunteers for their willingness to serve their neighbors.
Where do we go from here? What’s the next step for Senior Village at SaddleBrooke? The answer is our in-reach campaign. We need the help of our community to spread the word about Senior Village within our units, within our neighborhoods, up and down our streets.
Many residents in SaddleBrooke are not as socially active as they used to be. They spend much of their time at home and do not get out to mingle as they used to. The end result is a sense of losing one’s independence. Often they have to rely on friends or neighbors for transportation or fix-it projects around the house. Unfortunately this can cause people to feel that they are indebted to their friends or perhaps that they are even becoming a burden. Senior Village is all about fostering independence and helping neighbors stay in their homes for as long as possible. Our goal is to be there for our less mobile neighbors when they need us.
If you know a friend or neighbor who would benefit from our services, please suggest a call to Senior Village to set up an appointment to become a member. Senior Village is also for those people who don’t need our services at this time but want to be in our database for a future time when they do need us. Volunteers are ready and eager to assist all who are “in-reach.” Visit our web site at

Mary Owen, Senior Village member and volunteer or call us at 520-314-1042.
In the blink of an eye
Stephanie Thomas
We’ve all heard the expression “in the blink of an eye” and we even repeat it without much thought, but retired nurse Mary Owen found out in a dramatic way what it means last month. One minute she was busily occupied in her house, and the next minute she was lying on the floor, thinking she was having a heart attack. Thanks to a rapid response by the 911 team and an emergency operation, Mary’s life was spared and she returned to her usual schedule of friends and clubs within a few weeks.
That unexpected, frightening experience is one of the reasons that Mary is now a volunteer on the Senior Village at SaddleBrooke membership committee. “Our lives can change just that fast,” Mary commented, “and we need someone we can reach out to whether for small or large help.”
Mary sums up her reasons for giving of her time and talents to Senior Village, saying “If Senior Village helps me to be independent and stay in my house a little longer, it is well worth giving of my time. Through Senior Village I am giving as much as I am receiving. Senior Village gives me an opportunity to ‘pay it forward’ as a neighbor helping neighbors.”
Senior Village dedicates itself to providing that service in our community. The non-profit organization reaches out to SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch residents to offer rides to appointments or errands, install 911 lock boxes, make social calls or daily calls to ensure that a member is doing well, handle simple repairs inside and outside the house, and help with the loan of medical equipment. Over 70 volunteers (and more are in process) have gone through background checks, been insured and attended a training orientation. They are ready to respond to the needs of their neighbors.
As a widow, Mary understands the importance of being able to take care of herself and her house. She says, “We need to maintain our ability to function, to go to medical appointments, to get groceries. Let me be as independent as I can for as long as I can.”
Although Mary is back on her feet, she is aware how quickly her life could change. “The volunteers at Senior Village will help me not have to rely on or obligate my neighbors to fill my needs as I begin to need help from others in order to stay in my home. Senior Village will give my family peace of mind knowing that there is a network of services available to help me continue to live independently.”
If you would like more information on how to volunteer or sign up for one of our services or donate to support our mission, please call us at 520-314-1042 or visit our website at