Pat Huska, teacher
Terry Barringer
So ladies of the SaddleBrooke communities, how is your fourth quarter living going? Have you recently taken stock of your spiritual progress? Are you maximizing your spiritual gifts? Do you need an “attitude change” to put wrong things right again? Have you considered those things that can never be reclaimed: spoken words, lost opportunities and time spent?
The Women’s Ministry at Community Church at SaddleBrooke is offering a study that will provide you with an opportunity to take assessment of your life and explore the tools necessary to enhance it. This series will be led by Pat Huska. Pat is a Stephen Minister, a Marriage Mentor and was a teaching leader for Community Bible Study for many years.
You are invited to join us for this spring Bible study. To accommodate your schedule this four-week series will be offered on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The Tuesday class will meet at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center beginning April 18 to May 9, 2017 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. The Activity Center is located at 64518 Galveston. The parking lot by the Activity Center is limited to handicap spaces and carpoolers. Please use the parking lot by the pickleball courts and use the ramp for access to the Activity Center.
The Thursday class will meet April 20, 2017 to May 11, 2017 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the CCSB Parish House located at 36768 S. Aaron, Tucson. Parking is limited; carpooling is encouraged.
To register for either of the studies please call the church office at 520-825-5394 and provide your name, telephone number, e-mail address and whether you prefer Tuesday or Thursday morning. There is no cost for this series.
CCSB is an all-denominational group of believers meeting at the DesertView Theatre in SaddleBrooke every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome.