Tag: B’nai Midbar

B’nai Midbar Events

Melanie Einbund On May 15, we took a trip to the Tucson Jewish Museum, which we explored with a docent. Tucson Jewish history was the topic. The museum is the location of the first Jewish temple in the Southwest and the Holocaust Center. It was an adventure of education and noshing—what fun! Shavuot is a…

What’s This? A New Name and a Logo Too?

Melanie Einbund Introducing our new name: Congregation B’nai Midbar at SaddleBrooke (transliterated: B’nay Meedbar, meaning ‘The People of the Desert’). Wow! What a ride it has been! You think that changing a name would be easy. Well, it wasn’t. But thanks to many—we did it! We are proud to announce that we are now known…

What’s New at B’nai Midbar

Melanie Einbund Transliterated: B’nay Meedbar, meaning ‘The People of the Desert’ Our February services were led by Rabbi Sanford Seltzer, assisted by Eliyanah Powers and Joshua Nichols. We welcome our new Torah with the hope for peace to embrace our community and Israel. A special presentation of our new Torah was made to the congregation by Rabbi…